PhD Thesis

  . Detection and integration of affective feedback into distributed interactive systems. At INSA de Rouen and Babeș-Bolyai University, 2013.



More Publications

  . Collective Knowledge Graph Completion with Mutual Knowledge Distillation. In arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.15895, 2023.

  . Conflict-aware multilingual knowledge graph completion. In Knowledge-Based Systems (pp. 111070), 2023.

  . IPPT4KRL: Iterative Post-Processing Transfer for Knowledge Representation Learning. In Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (pp. 43–58), 2023.

  . TKGQA Dataset: Using Question Answering to Guide and Validate the Evolution of Temporal Knowledge Graph. In Data (pp. 61), 2023.

  . A unified Link Prediction architecture applied on a novel heterogenous Knowledge Base. In Knowledge-Based Systems (pp. 108228), 2022.

  . Protecting Retail Investors from Order Book Spoofing using a GRU-based Detection Model. In arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.03687, 2021.

  . Using a Secure, Continually Updating, Web Source Processing Pipeline to Support the Real-Time Data Synthesis and Analysis of Scientific Literature: Development and Validation Study. In Journal of Medical Internet Research (pp. e25714), 2021.


  . Open Visualization Environment (OVE): A web framework for scalable rendering of data visualizations. In Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020.


  . Towards a large-scale twitter observatory for political events. In Future Generation Computer Systems (pp. 976–983), 2020.


  . A reference architecture for IIoT and industrial control systems testbeds. 2019.




Real-time event detection for early warning systems


Can we automate web data knowledge extraction?


An Open Source platform for developing Distributed Interactive Systems.


Platform of Dialogue Analysis - Application to Child-Agent Interaction in Ambient Intelligence


  • Data Science Institute
    William Penney Laboratory
    Imperial College London
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ, UK
  • Work: o [dot] serban [aat] imperial [ddot] ac [dot] uk
  • Personal: ovidiu [aat] roboslang [ddot] org