Fernando, Senaka and Lopez, Julio Amador Diaz and Șerban, Ovidiu and Gomez-Romero, Juan and Molina-Solana, Miguel and Guo, Yike.
Towards a large-scale twitter observatory for political events.
In Future Generation Computer Systems (pp. 976–983),
Tirado, Juan M and Șerban, Ovidiu and Guo, Qiang and Yoneki, Eiko.
Web data knowledge extraction.
At University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory,
Șerban, Ovidiu and Bersoult, Anne and Alès, Zacharie and Lebertois, Elise and Chanoni, Émilie and Rioult, François and Pauchet, Alexandre.
Modélisation de dialogues pour personnage virtuel narrateur.
In Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (pp. 101–130),
Boisseleau, William and Șerban, Ovidiu and Pauchet, Alexandre.
Implantation d’un ACA narrateur (Demo).
In WACAI’14 Workshop on Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interaction,
Șerban, Ovidiu and Pauchet, Alexandre and Rogozan, Alexandrina and Pecuchet, Jean-Pierre.
Modelling context to solve conflicts in SentiWordNet.
In Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) (pp. 393–398),
Șerban, Ovidiu and Castellano, Ginevra and Pauchet, Alexandre and Rogozan, Alexandrina and Pecuchet, Jean-Pierre.
Fusion of Smile, Valence and NGram features for automatic affect detection.
In Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) (pp. 264–269),
Șerban, Ovidiu and Pauchet, Alexandre and Rogozan, Alexandrina and Pécuchet, Jean-Pierre.
Semantic Propagation on Contextonyms using SentiWordNet.
In WACAI’12 Workshop on Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interaction (pp. 86–94),